Quarter 1 Project Updates The rack server upgrade project is progressing well. We are coming to the end of initial testing to get all features working and debugged in a test environment. By the end of the month, we should be able to start testing on live racks. After...
What’s in store for the first quarter of 2019? New rack rental server will go live giving better reliability and some added enhancements such as being able to schedule sessions on a per-hour basis rather than every 2 hours and the ability to extend an active session...
CCIE Success! We are excited to announce that there has been a new batch of people who have passed the CCIE Wireless lab since our last newsletter. It has been awesome seeing people passing in larger numbers these past few months. It’s great to see what happens when...
Final CCIE Wireless v3.1 Workbook Released! We are happy to announce that the v3.1 update to the CCIE Wireless Workbook Vol 3 has been released. The Network Dojo racks have also been updated to support lab loads for the mock labs included in the workbook. Workbook 3...
Congratulations to all who have passed the CCIE Wireless Lab so far! It’s been a while, and we apologize for that. But the newsletter is back in circulation, and we wanted to start off by celebrating all of the people who have passed the v3.1 version of the CCIE...
Once in a Version Sale Extended! Are you planning on tackling version 3.1 of the CCIE Wireless lab? For a limited time only, we will be offering a discount of $500 off our Platinum Bundle, which represents our full self-study program for the CCIE Wireless Lab. We are...