CCIE Enterprise Wireless v1.0 Platinum Plus Bundle

The Platinum Plus Bundle for the CCIE wireless lab is our top level bundle and it includes all of our self study products, our 7-day bootcamp class, and our unique lab mentoring access. When you buy the platinum plus bundle, you buy our entire program. All of the products included are intended to work together as a system to fully prepare you for the CCIE Enterprise Wireless lab.
Workbook 1 and Lab Video Series 1 lay the foundation. Workbooks 2-3 and Lab Video Series 2 build on top of that and teach you the middle/upper tier skills for lab success. Throughout all of that, you’ll have regular instructor mentoring available multiple times a week to help you along and answer any questions that you may have. 350 hours of rack rentals are included to give you all the time that you should need to build your hands-on skills without having to invest in an expensive home lab. If you need more rack time than that, you get our best discount on purchasing more tokens at 65% off of retail. Quizzers and the lab management system will guide and assess your learning. Plus you’ll have access to materials to prepare for the written exam. A training package this complete has never before been seen in the Cisco wireless world to our knowledge!
Price: $4999
Who is the Platinum Plus Bundle best suited for?
People looking for the most comprehensive training system available for the CCIE Enterprise Wireless certification
People who are looking for extensive instructor training and support in their studies
People who want a lot of rack rental time!
Products included in the Platinum Plus bundle

Lab Video Series 1
(Streaming, download)

Lab Video Series 2
(Streaming and download)

ENCOR Written Video Series and Quizzers
(Streaming and download)

Workbook Volume 1

Workbook Volume 2

Workbook Volume 3

3500 Rack Rental tokens for 350 hours of study

Lab Mentoring Sessions

Learning Management System

Discord Server Access

Configuration and Troubleshooting Reference Sheets
CCIE Enterprise Wireless 1.0 Platinum Plus Bundle: $4999
See our Product Access and Upgrade Policy.
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