Welcome to the new Network Dojo weekly newsletter. Going forward we will send out this communication every Sunday to keep our customers abreast of the happenings within the company.

Workbook 3 will be Released Tomorrow

Jeff has been working tirelessly to get this final workbook completed and into your hands. We are happy to announce that the release date is tomorrow. We thank you and appreciate your patience.

The CCIE Wireless Workbook Volume 3 (https://networkdojo.com/ccie-wireless-products/ccie-wireless-workbooks/ccie-wireless-workbook-vol-3/) is the final workbook in our series. It uses full-scale mock labs as a way to both practice taking the lab, as well as to gauge your readiness to handle the real thing. This will be used in the final stages of your lab preparations since it builds on the skills learned in workbooks 1-2 as well as all of the other CCIE materials provided by Network Dojo. The workbook contains 5 full-scale mock labs, each meant to replicate the lab in terms of format, scope, and difficulty.

Rack Rental Update

The process of getting our rack rental system developed has been a long and sometimes frustrating one. But we appear to be very close to the end. The customer interface is extremely close to being finished off. The back-end admin functions are about 70% done as well. It is our hope that we may be able to go live with the official rack system next weekend.

In the mean time, we are making our racks available in a beta mode level of access. All of our racks are running and accessible. We just need to manually do the scheduling and triggering of lab loads. We have been offering this level of access for a while now and things have been running well. If you are an existing customer, and would like to use one of our racks, just send an email to jeff@networkdojo.com and we’ll get you set up. We just need to know the date, time range, and which lab load you would like to have staged. We will continue to offer this access as much as we can until the official system is in place.