2022 Year-End Holiday Sale! We are happy to announce a year-end sale for most all of our products. These deals start on November 24 and last through the end of the year (December 31). There’s something here for everyone whether you are a new or an...
What a month! We are beyond happy to announce that Dave Langton has become CCIE #65713 this week by passing the CCIE Enterprise Wireless lab! Way to go Dave!
We are super excited to announce that Arthur Spahnle has become CCIE #65668 this week by passing the CCIE Enterprise Wireless lab! It’s an incredibly hard lab and Arthur is one of only a few who have passed this version. What a rock star!
We have completed the Design section quizzers for all 5 mock labs in Workbook 3! These are live and available for your practicing pleasure. There are 20 questions in each quiz for a total of 100 questions across all 5 labs. You will find links to them in your...
Super excited to announce our first student has passed the new CCIE Enterprise Wireless lab. A huge congratulations goes out to Simon Blomqvist, who became CCIE #65496 this week by passing the CCIE Wireless lab! This should make him the first person ever to do...