Network Dojo

CCNP Enterprise Products

Our CCNP materials are meant to provide everything that you need to pass each exam.  From videos, to quizzers, to workbooks, and more, we strive to provide products and training programs that cover you from start to finish without needing to supplement with additional materials.

ENCOR 350-401

Our materials for the Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies v1.0 exam includes everything you need build your knowledge, gain hands-on practice, and get the support you need to pass with confidence!


We have over 46 hours of videos covering the blueprint topics as well as general exam information and tips.


Our workbook gives you guided hands-on practice for the exam topics that require configuration and verification knowledge.


Our quizzers include over 400 questions helping to test your knowledge, understanding, and retention of the exam topics.

Learning Management System

Our Learning Management System guides you through the study process, giving you strong direction as you start your studies and helps you to avoid making common study mistakes.

Instructor and Community Support

Gain access to our group Discord server where you can get support and encouragement from your instructor and your peers.

Study Planner and Tracker

Included in the Learning Management System is our study planning and tracking spreadsheet, which gives you a single place to plan your study activities and track your progress.